Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blessed Mother, Pray For Us

JMJ     So many loved ones in my family are experiencing sorrows in life, illness, spiritual searching ... if it were not for the rosary, I would find it difficult to handle it all.  After all, the rosary's central theme is meditation upon the total life of Jesus, and we ask the Blessed Mother to pray for us as we try to follow Him each day.   With all that has happened, I have been feeling frozen in the spirit, and I need my spiritual home, St. John the Evangelist, my parish.  I need the Eucharist most of all.  My sister Laura said that I should  participate in the Mass when EWTN, the Catholic network, celebrates it every day. My parish priest suggested that I have Communion brought to me here at home when I am unable to come to Mass.  Without the Eucharist, our spiritual selves become confused and empty.  Thank you, dear Laura, and thanks to you too, Fr. Rick, for helping me figure out how to fill my spirit.

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